Speedy Run Challenges Damantion (Not Complete)
Map: ALL Maps Except COMMS-Plex 154/2f, Smelter Complex HL17-36, Consignment Yard HL17-36, Hab Dreyko, Enclave Baross are not allowed.
Goal: First team to beat the mission in 20 minutes or less for each non banned maps.
Difficulty: Damnation
Special Conditions: Low Intensity is Not Allowed, Only Normal or High Intensity.
Secondary Objectives: No

1. Only players within this server are allow to participate in this challenge.
2. A team member must share screen with Trainz. Please DM Trainz
3. Trainz will be the judge.
4. At the very beginning, share screener must press the tab and screenshot the mission and send it to Trainz
5. Time will be based on the Darktide mission completion. Must screenshot time.
6. First team to beat a map.
7. Winner gets a $10 Xbox gift card/ Xbox game pass month if EU gets a Canadian Amazon gift card or a $10 steam game.
8. Trainz is allowed to be on any strike team


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